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Supervisors approve courthouse annex related items and more bridge repairs

During Monday’s meeting of the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors, the supervisors approved a bridge replacement project, authorized moving forward with the issuance of bonds, and to advertise for bids on the courthouse annex construction.

County Engineer Les Dungan provided the board with an update on the Lakeside Drive bridge rehabilitation project. Dungan told the supervisors that LSBP money from two previous bridge replacement projects was left over due to the costs coming under proposed budget. Dungan explained there was approximately $150,000.00 combined funding available from the Nellie Burks Road and Harry Sones Road bridges projects that can be reprogrammed for another timber replacement project at Lakeside Drive in the Anchor Lake subdivision.

Dungan estimated the total cost for the Lakeside Drive project to be around $200,000.00 leaving approximately $50.000.00 to be funded by the county (local money). Dungan told the board that his hope is to secure other funding from other state resources before the project starts. The board approved Dungan’s request to move forward with the project.

County Engineer Les Dungan presents a document to Board President Sandy Kane Smith

Dungan said there will need to be a plan in place to ensure that local residents will have an exit route while this bridge replacement project on Lakeside Drive is being worked. Dungan stated the dam area on Lakeside Drive can be used, however, an alternate plan needs to be put in place in case of rain and related highwater conditions make that crossing impassable for normal vehicles.

County Administrator Adrain Lumpkin said there is a possible route available which would have to gain approval from a local resident to utilize part of his property to access Baucum Road from Lakeside Drive. Dungan said they would need to work that out and have it for a backup plan.

Regarding three projects currently awarded to Pearl River Paving, Dungan told the board that he had set the priority for the work to be performed on the following bridges in order stated as Harry Sones, Sones Chapel, and Nellie Burks Road.

Dungan also presented a document that addresses proposed amendments and additions to the subdivision regulations that were discussed at the last board meeting (May 23rd). Dungan used the written suggestions that Board Vice President Hudson Holliday had provided to the board for review to put the latest document before the board. The board agreed to take Dungan’s latest draft document for review until the next board meeting on June 20th.

The board approved a request to advertise for bids for the courthouse annex project. They also heard from Troy Johnston, of Butler Snow Law firm.

Johnston explained that a resolution that was before the board authorizes the sale of the county bonds to the Mississippi Development Bank (for the annex building) subject to certain parameters: not to exceed $12 million, the interest rate not to exceed 4 percent, and the term not to exceed 25 years.


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