Toys for Tots statement from WRJW

Picayune--Pearl River Communications, Inc. and WRJW radio General Manager Carey Meitzler has released the following statement in lieu of Friday’s Toys for Tots Radiothon on WRJW 1320 AM radio.
Mr. Meitzler stated, “Picayune and Pearl River County residents continue to amaze us with their generosity when it comes time to help others, especially those less fortunate in our community. Once again, the great people of this community have come together to ensure that Christmas, this joyous time of year when we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, is ever present in our hearts.

The love that Christ preached is once again evident due to the actions of all the folks who supported Friday’s Toys for Tots Radiothon on WRJW radio. At the moment, the drive has $11,485.00 pledged and most of that has already been collected. We are overwhelmed for the second year in a row of the commitment of people here in Pearl River County to ‘take care of our own’. We sincerely thank you for helping Captain Theresa Milar and the many dedicated volunteers on step one of making this Christmas season a positive one for those in need in our community. Again, we thank all of you who have made pledges of money, delivered toys, and inspired all of us with your actions. God Bless Pearl River County and the wonderful people who take care of their own.”