City Council approves numerous actions and personnel appointments
At Tuesday’s meeting of the Picayune City Council, the council covered a number of topics as part of the agenda and received updates on other city related activities.
The board approved the results of the FY2018 audited financial statements. Julie Uher, a partner with the accounting firm Holt & Associates, PLLC, told the council that her firm found no deficiencies and stated the city’s financial records received a ‘clean’ audit. Uher stated she would give the Picayune audit a rating of 9 on a scale of 1 to 10 only because "she does not give out 10s". The council members thanked City Clerk Amber Hinton for her work in this manner and for the great job she does for the city in her role.

Trevor Adam (pictured at podium), Director of Parks and Recreation, asked the council to approve an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Picayune and Pearl River County Board of Supervisors. According to Adam, the agreement will have the City purchased approximately $10,700 of asphalt and the County would perform the work to put the asphalt on specific roads adjacent to and inside Friendship Park to make the roads ADA accessible in support the long running Buddy Ball program for mentally challenged and handicapped adults and children held at the park. Adam said that all those who use the park, whether participating in Buddy Ball or not, will benefit from the hot mix asphalt being applied. The money to purchase the asphalt is already in the budget for the Parks and Recreation according to City Clerk Amber Hinton and Adam.

City Manager Jim Luke; Council members Jan Miller-Stevens, and Tammy Valente
In another action taken by the council, Frank Ford was reappointed to the Picayune School Board. Ford’s term was due to end in March 2019.
It was announced that Captain Dustin Moeller is now officially the Assistant Police Chief for Picayune. Moeller takes over after the retirement of Jeremy Magri. Kerry McGill was promoted to take Moeller’s previous position of Field Operations Division Commander for Patrol.
City Attorney Nathan Farmer, upon a request from Councilman Wayne Gouguet, informed those in attendance of an action taken by the council last week in open session after discussing the action in executive session. Farmer stated that the council has voted to use all means available to seek redress with those parties who have some responsibility in respect to a water issue at City Hall
While Farmer stated he was unable to give further details at this time, discussion with city employees confirmed there exists an issue of flooding during periods of moderate to heavy rainfall which causes the need to sandbag an outside entry door at City Hall.