Bridge replacement bids awarded by Board of Supervisors
During Monday’s meeting of the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors, County Engineer Les Dungan notified the board with updates on bids received for bridge replacement projects in the county.
Dungan stated that the lowest bid for the bridge replacement on Lakeside Drive in the Anchor Lake subdivision is $238,616.07 from Pearl River Paving. The board accepted the bid and awarded the project. The funding will be from Local System Bridge Program.

The lowest bid for the replacement of the two bridges on Progress Road was for $1,165,910.86 from Magco. The board accepted the bid and awarded the project. This project will be funded by ERBR (Emergency Road and Bridge Repair).
Dungan said that he expects the bridge on Sones Chapel Road to be open for traffic by the end of this week. Also, according to Dungan, the bridge on Shenandoah Road should be ready for the contractor to move traffic off of the detour bridge that was put in place and return traffic to the normal route on the new bridge this week. Dungan noted that part of the project is for the contractor to remove the temporary detour bridge.
After hearing an update from Dungan on the status of the HVAC units at the jail in Millard, County Administrator Adrain Lumpkin informed the board that he had spoken with the State Auditor’s office and the Attorney General’s office to inquire if the county could declare an emergency and replace both units. The reasoning is the cost savings involved by only having to have a crane on site once to replace two units versus doing one now and one at a later date.
The board made the emergency declaration to move forward with getting bids for replacing the two 55 ton HVAC units, one of which has completely shut down since the last board meeting.