County Engineer lays out exit route plans for Anchor Lake bridge replacement
During Wednesday’s meeting of the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors, County Engineer Les Dungan presented an update on the upcoming bridge replacement on Lakeside Drive in the Anchor Lake Subdivision. The bridge is due to be closed beginning the first week of September and remain closed for several weeks during the replacement of the bridge according to Dungan. A map, provided by Dungan, is included at the end of this update.

Les Dungan (right) reviews a document as Supervisors Farron Moeller (left)
and Hudson Holliday (center) listen
Dungan stated he and County Road Manager Charlie Schielder have been working with the Anchor Lake POA (Property Owner’s Association) in regards to an emergency access route. Dungan prepared a map showing both an alternate route and an emergency route should rains impact the spillway at the lake. He said there are over seventy homes between the bridge to be replaced and the spillway.