Pavement restoration on State Route 53 in Pearl River County expected to cause delays

Pavement restoration on State Route 53 in Pearl River County expected to cause delays
WHO: The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT).
WHAT: Lane closures.
WHEN: Tuesday, September 17 from 7 am until 6 pm.
WHERE: State Route 53 between Cuevas Gravel Pit Road and Interstate 59 in Pearl River County south of Poplarville.
WHY: On Tuesday, September 17, there will be alternating lane closures on SR 53 between Cuevas Gravel Pit Rd and I-59 while crews work towards finishing pavement restoration project.
Flagmen will be present to direct traffic. Local traffic should find an alternate route. Motorists are reminded to be on high alert for roadside workers.
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