Options to relieve traffic problems near Wal-Mart to be reviewed
During Tuesday’s meeting of the Picayune City Council, City Engineer Jonathan Hickman of Dungan Engineering, requested approval for Dungan Engineering to perform preliminary studies on three possible projects named as Wal-Mart Entrance Study, Monroe Branch Draining Study, and Weems Street Drainage Improvements Study.

Hickman stated there are a lot of traffic problems around the Wal-Mart area and at was to divert traffic, possible new routes, and drainage improvements all in an effort to improve the current situation with a good long-term approach. As Hickman was addressing the council, Mayor Ed Pinero stated he had received three options just minutes before the meeting from Mr. A.P. Guizerix who owns property between Wal-Mart and the Home Depot property. Hickman said he would take those ideas from Guizerix for options as well.
Hickman said the work to come up with the conceptual ideas will take a few months.
The council approved the request to perform the three studies at a cost of $5,000 per project.