City Council approves video surveillance for parks
The City of Picayune is looking to catch vandals in the act at some popular local parks.
During Tuesday’s city council meeting, council members heard from Public Works Director Eric Morris as he explained the need for cameras to reduce or eliminate vandalism at Crosby Commons and Jack Read Park. Morris asked Council for authorization to enter into a contract with Mississippi Power for the cloud-based camera system.

Public Works Director Eric Morris (standing) addresses the city council
Crosby Commons already has internet service to tie into while Jack Read will utilize cellular LTE service. Council member Larry Breland stated that over the last few years, the cost to repair what had been vandalized at the parks has exceeded what the cost of the cameras would be, and that they would certainly aid law enforcement in identifying and taking the appropriate action against the culprits.
The new cameras will be maintained, serviced, and video storage supplied by Mississippi Power, relieving the city of those responsibilities. The council unanimously approved the request.
The council also approved two requests to award contracts for two projects presented by Jonathan Hickman who was representing the city engineer’s office. The first project is to make corrections to traffic flow at the end of Goodyear Blvd near the site of the new fire station.

Jonathan Hickman (standing) makes a point during Tuesday's meeting
The new fire station that is being built at that location would cause motorists to travel through the fire stations parking lot to access Bennett Street without modifications. Hickman said during the council meeting on September 4, 2019, that engineers had designed a way to connect Bennett to the major intersection eliminating the need for civilian traffic to interfere with emergency first responders while also taking care of some existing drainage concerns.
Hickman’s initial estimate given during the September 4 meeting for the project was $49,642.50. The bid accepted and approved by the council was in the amount of $45,550.00 from John C. Lee Enterprises Limited, LLC.
Hickman presented the council a bid of $44,841.50 from Twin L. Construction, Inc. to make repairs for the improvement the intersection of Cooper Road and Country Club Drive. Hickman has stated back in the Septermber 4th meeting that a low spot in the road is causing some motorists to bottom out in their vehicles when crossing and the area also holds water when it rains due to poor drainage.
The bid was under Hickman’s initial estimate of $50,000.00 for this project and was accepted and approved by the council.