City of Picayune holds groundbreaking for new justice facility
Michael Williams - WRJW News
Picayune Mayor Jim Luke, along with dozens of state and local elected officials, broke ground Wednesday morning for the new Police Department Criminal Justice Center to be located at the intersection of Highland Parkway and Wildwood Drive just off Hwy 43 north.
Mayor Luke (at the podium above) spoke to the large crowd in attendance about the City’s need for this new facility and how it has been needed for over 20 years.
"This is a exciting, historical milestone in our city’s history. We began lobbying for this twenty-two years ago, and now we are seeing the fruits of our hard work,” Mayor Luke stated.
Artist rendering of the new Picayune Police Dept / Justice Center facility
The $7 million dollar project was approved unanimously last month by the city council. Initial dirt work is underway, but a completion date is still to far out to be set as of now, but it is hopeful the facility can be ready in 15 to 18 months according to officials on hand at the ceremony.