MDOT will realign traffic on U.S. Highway 11 in Picayune on Monday (January 4)
The Mississippi Dept of Transportation (MDOT) will realign traffic on U.S. Highway 11 in Picayune on Monday, January 4.

Starting Monday crews will shift their construction zone from the east side of the roadway to the west side.
This will require traffic to shift from the west side of the roadway to the east side and allow crews to begin work on the west side.
The Picayune Police Department will assist with the transition according to MDOT.

During the transition, motorists should exercise caution and follow directions given by traffic control personnel.
This project has been divided into two phases. The first phase includes the widening of U.S. 11 into four lanes. Work is expected to be completed fall of 2022.
The second phase will include the construction of a new bridge over the East Hobolochitto Creek and is currently scheduled for construction beginning in 2023. The entire project is estimated to be completed in 2025.
Motorists are reminded to be on high alert for roadside workers.